Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Turkey Time!!!!!!

For Family Home Evening last week we had our first annual Turkey Off! It was a ton of fun.

It was my week for the lesson, so I decided (in honor of the holiday this month) to have a lesson on gratitude and President Monson's talk from General Conference, Finding Joy in the Journey. I loved hearing this talk when he first gave it at conference, and it was equally great to study this talk again for Family Home Evening. President Thomas S. Monson truly is a prophet of God. One quote from his talk that we loved and wanted to share is the following:
"Said one well-known author: “Both abundance and lack [of abundance] exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel realities. It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we will tend . . . when we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that’s present—love, health, family, friends, work, the joys of nature, and personal pursuits that bring us [happiness]—the wasteland of illusion falls away and we experience heaven on earth.”"

This quote helps me realize that even though bad stuff will happen in my life, if I focus on the positive and remember to be thankful for my blessings, I can still be happy. I am really grateful for that and for the joy we can experience here on earth.

And speaking of joy...after our lesson we had some joyful activities going on. heehee We decided to have a TURKEY OFF for our fun family activity and we went into separate rooms to secretly create our own "gratitude turkeys." Which are now up for public vote. So.....without further ado, PLEASE cast your vote as to which gratitude turkey is the WINNER of the first annual FOOTE FAMILY TURKEY OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which turkey do you think is the BEST???


DO IT!!!

We know ...it's hard to choose because they all 3 look so amazing.

Vote for your favorite. :)

All the cool kids are doing it.

Number 1 (this is a tracing of Sarah's cute little hand, not an easy feat I might add)

Number 2

Number 2 (cool view of beak . . . not too shabby eh? Not that I am trying to sway the vote)

Number 3 (I would like you all to know that this is hand drawn, not printed or purchased, can we say skills? I think so)
As I said, it is not going to be an easy choice, so think it through and choose wisely.
Now it is up to you, the voting public. So let's get out the vote!