Saturday, July 18, 2009

I love Photography

So I just bought some new toys for my camera that let me take long exposure images. A nice solid tripod (my old one died) and a remote trigger with a timer. I am going to get some more soon, but this was during the only cloudless night on our trip (and only this section of the sky was cloudless) Anyway, enjoy, and check out the stars! Click on the Photo to see a larger version of it :)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Park City Reminiscing--March 2009 trip

Since our trip was short, we jam packed it full of fun. It was so relaxing and beautiful. Tyler and I had a pretty good snowball fight. We also had fun making snow angels, skiing, getting cozy with the "wildlife" haha, and swimming at our really cool hotel.

Okay, so we stayed at an awesome hotel called the Newpark Resort that was much cheaper than any other place ,and it was so cool. It was luxury!! We were so impressed with our find that we had to show it off. We would highly reccommend it if you are looking for a good place to stay. Please indulge us with these videos. haha. We also had a funny mishap you will see if you watch.

My Husband *insert lovey dovey sigh here, heehee*

Ok---so I feel the need to brag for a minute. My wonderful husband is very modest. He is SO good at SO many things. I honestly don't know how I got so lucky.

They always told us in young womens to think of qualities that you want your future husband to have and then look at your list and realize that you need to have those things yourself if you want someone like that to be attracted to you. So, for example, if you want a husband that is smart, funny, handsome, understanding, has a testimony, worthy to go to the temple, good cook, athletic, artistic, good people person, humble, has good hygeine, etc....(trust me my list was pretty lofty..heehee), then you better look at that list and try to have or develop those qualities yourself. Well, I can tell you that my "PERFECT Husband/Dream Man" list was pretty lengthy...and I definitely did not have all of the qualities on my list myself. Somehow, I got extremely blessed because Tyler honestly does have all of my 'Dream Man' qualities. I cannot believe how lucky I am. I seriously married up! Woo-whoo. :) I am one happy woman.

Not only does Tyler have the qualities that were the most fundamental on my list and the very most important to me (ie-a strong testimony that the church is true, spiritual worthy priesthood holder, great with kids/good father, treat women with respect/gentleman, smart, strong, handsome, funny and fun, someone I can be myself around/feel comfortable with, caring, loyal, provider, a good friend), but ALSO he has some of the BONUS qualities like: he is strong--he's got some nice guns ;), musical--he is so good at the guitar and piano, artistic--he is great at photography, drawing and painting, graphic design/photoshop stuff, video editing, cooking--yes, you read correctly, my husband is actually a really good cook! and he is good at ironing too double bonus!!! he is so sweet and will help me around the house with things like laundry and ironing--my LEAST favorite chores!!!, he is good with finances and knowing how to be wise with our money, he is great with directions--something I seriously struggle with, knowledgeable with electronics, and pretty much anything I ever have a question on. I am SO grateful to have him as my partner for eternity. Thank you for being my perfect husband Tyler. I truly do love you with all of my heart!

Which brings me to the reason I was thinking about his awesomeness---One of his many skills that was a BIG bonus is he is an AWESOME skiier--both water and snow.

He is actually VERY good at both. I am SO impressed by his abilities---it usually makes me swoon to think about it. :) Back in February, Tyler and I took a nice little trip to Park City. It was my Christmas present to him because he deserved a little ski trip since he had only gone a few times since we've been married. So I think I mentioned a little bit about it...but I never got to post any pictures and I found them now--so here is a little blast from the past. Thank you to "Grams and Grampy (and Uncle Brian)" for watching Sarah so we could enjoy our first trip away from her.