Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween 2009

Tonight we went to a Halloween party in my parents ward. It was HUGE - it was actually 3 wards, which helped us get away with sneaking in hee hee. We are going to be at The Ranch on Halloween, which is when our ward is having their party, and we really wanted to let Sarah dress up and get some candy. It was a lot of fun this year. Sarah loved saying "Trick or Treat." She got excited once she started getting candy (especially, and I cannot explain it, smarties!---I don't like those Smarties candies very much, but Sarah LOVES them.)

We decided to do another family themed costume this year, so Sarah was a bumblebee. I was a flower, and Tyler was a beekeeper. My parents went as convicts. I have to say I absolutely LOVE the fact that my parents still dress up for Halloween. It makes me happy.

Thanks Mom and Dad Davis for letting us crash your party!

I think we should've won a prize for having the cutest bumblebee in town. :)


Unknown said...

That is so adorable!

And Katie and Sarah have nice costumes, too.

lacie tidwell said...

soooooo cute!!!!! all of you guys have such awesome costumes! that IS awesome your parents dress up! LOVE IT! Hope you guys have fun this Halloween at the ranch! can't wait to hang out with you again (soon) hopefully!:)

my name is becky kelly said...

You know how I love those family themes! when landon was 3 weeks old, he and 1 year old hunter were hot dogs and Shanan and I were ketchup and mustard. that's been one of my favorites.
themes get harder once they get old enough to decide for themselves :) I LOVE the bee theme. so great!

Rebecca said...

so cute! I also love that you guys do themes. I'm sad you're missing our trunk or treat. Have a fun weekend!

Kristin Chesnik said...

I love you costume--I'm going to have to steal that idea! Happy Halloween!