Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Danny Gans - Las Vegas' Entertainer of the Year

So, in case you couldn't tell from the title of this post . . . Tyler took me to Phantom as he promised he would for our anniversary. . . or maybe not. . . but I am still hoping :)

Actually, we went and saw Danny Gans for a fun date night. It was awesome!!!

Danny Gans has got some mad skills with his impersonations. We both really liked his Frank Sinatra, John Mayer, and Michael Buble. He was way good, and he sounded completely different from one song to the next. It was impressive!!! He even did a pretty good Jeff Foxworthy and Bill Cosby.

We totally got hooked up with these tickets (which was nice, and why we felt comfortable splurging on a Shirley Temple . . . which was good . . . ) thanks to my awesome husband! Free tickets are a very nice thing, let's just say, in Tyler's words "we know a guy who knows a guy" or something like that. Anyway the show was totally fun.

Not only did we get some free tickets we got to sit in the box at the back of the theater. It was totally awesome! We were lucky for once! (honestly we have really bad luck a lot of the time, we just have to laugh at the bad stuff that happens!) But this time we totally lucked out, we got this little room thing in the back with actual chairs and LEG ROOM and a little table for our drink, and it was SOOOO NICE! It made the show that much better.

Thank you Mom and Dad for watching Sarah so last minute for us!!!!!

Anyway, if you are in town and looking for a great show, Danny Gans is not a bad way to go! But he is only here until November, and then who knows what he is doing.

This is the view from our awesome box seats!!!!!

This is me enjoying the box, pretty good eh? Tyler thinks we should try to buy the wallpaper from them when they close in November! I am thinking not.

Tyler told me to write that he is showing just how big our box was . . . but in fact, he is doing the YMCA and mocking about 300 drunk people!!! haha!!!

I couldn't post about Danny Gans without posting this picture of the ugliest shoes in the world. When Tyler was in line for our beverage he saw these shoes and let's just say I am glad his phone has a camera.


Matt, Calli, & Dixon said...

Hey Katie! That looked like so much fun! I am glad that you also enjoy Shirley Temples as much as I do! Oh, and how dare you say those shoes are ugly...I have them in red! JUST KIDDING! Wow, it makes ya wonder where she found those huh!

Kelly Shoroye said...

What a fun date night, and free even makes it so much better!
(DEfinetly the ugliest shoes)!

Janssen said...

Wow, those shoes are HEINOUS!

lacie tidwell said...

Katie, why are you taking pics of my feet again? I swear you have a foot fetish (foote fetish- ok lame joke) those shoes are truly AWFUL! I'm glad you guys finally had a bit of luck- seriously about time eh? I'm glad you guys had such a fun night! Can't wait to get our girls together- if mine ever decides to come out!

Shannon said...

That is so nice that you have tons of cool (and some not so cool!) shows nearby.

And those shows are nasty! I LOVE that you took a picture of them.

Aapree said...

How fun! It sounds like you got some sweet seats! Lucky! Sorry about the bugs in your house. GROSS! I've been dealing with spiders ... yuck. And Katie I freaking miss you! We have to got to find a time when we connect or something! It has been way too long!

Ashley said...

Katie - it's Ashley formerly known as Thatcher :) I just stumbled upon your blog. Your little girl is adorable! And, it's so nice to see you and Tyler doing so well! Those gladiator shoes are pretty scary - unfortunately I think we will be seeing more of them on fashionista feet! Can't wait to read more on your blog!