We rode in some awesome GoCars around the town. They were a ton of fun and we learned some cool stuff about SF. Just a warning though, these little guys do NOT do well on hills. We both had to swing a foot out the side and push like on a skateboard a couple of times. Wish we had pictures of that, it was pretty funny.
While in San Francisco we also went to China town, it was a great oriental experience. We had some grubbing food in a cool little restaurant with a big fish tank (I think they were on the menu, not just for looks . . . ewwwww). We also found some fun little shops. Good times.
Thanks Steph and Will.
We also toured the Conservatory of Flowers. How did I get Tyler to come to something like this you may ask? Two words - Carniverous Plants. It was really cool to see all the different kinds of plants, but the highlight was, without a doubt, the carniverous plants. They had several kinds, the big round looking one was filled with sweet smelling liquid to entice its prey, then the top would snap shut and the poor victim would drown. The other is the famed venus fly trap. As you can tell Tyler was pretty happy to be there. (He really was, he is just a goof, not that I have much room to talk in this case. hehe)
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