Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sarah and the tanning booth

So Sarah is three days old now. She is such a joy to have. We love our little girl.

Sadly Sarah has a little bit of Jaundice, it is not bad, but her bilirubin is a little high. For those of you that aren't familiar with treatment we have to put her under bili lights. This is like a white suitcase that is a portable tanning bed. We are supposed to have her in the lights 2.5 of every 3 hours at least, but we are not great at leaving her in there that much. Especially because there are plenty of people that want to hold her. Both grandmas are now in town, so if it wasn't for the bili light I don't think we would even need a bassinet, she would never touch it.

I know we are going to get a bunch of responses telling us not to worry, and that she will be alright. We know that, but it is kind of sad to not be able to hold her, and to watch them prick her little heal.

These are the top quality "sunglasses" that she has to wear. They drive her crazy and are a pain to get on and keep in place. Look at how skinny her little arm is. She is so cute!


We are... said...

Wow! She IS skinny! ha ha My little brother had jaundice really bad when he was a baby. It was pretty scary because he was almost brain dead (and now he's the genius in the family..funny how that works). It is nice to know that they caught it so soon so that she can get the treatment she needs. Congrats again! She's adorable!

P.S. Sorry that you can't hold her that much...that would be incredibly hard!

We are... said...

P.P.S. Don't want that last post to scare you though...she WILL be ok...since they knew so soon!