Okay, so I am long overdue to post pictures, and I finally have transferred some onto THIS computer yay! (our other computer that has more good pictures on it CRASHED and so we are bummed. Hopefully the Dell techies can fix it, and you will see more good ones soon!)
They say a picture is worth a thousand words and so if that is true, then I am about to publish a short novel. heehee So here are some good ones from the last little while. :) Hope you enjoy!
Our little family at Tyler's graduation
Tyler with 3 beautiful ladies. (This is Tyler with his cousins Catherine and Stephanie and sister-in-law Kedra who all graduated at the same time) Woo-whoo! The Footes ROCK! Congrats to all of you.
Tyler and Tyson Young. These guys are hilarious together. (even though they just look normal in the picture)
Yay! Us with the Gunnells. We love and miss you guys! The lighting is pretty bad in this pic. Sorry. Bytheway, look how cute our niece and nephews are. We love those kids. Thanks for braving the blizzard to come to Ty's graduation!
My parents were so nice to come for Tyler's graduation too. Thanks for driving down.
Tyler's parents came too, but that picture is probably lost on our other computer, when we get it up and running we will try to add it here :)
Hooray!!! Congrats!!! Way to go!!! Woo Hoo!!! We're so proud of you!!!
That's right! We're a mean comedic duo, even though most of our material is borrowed from notable commedians such as Bryan Regan and Jerry Seinfeld - but hey, it works!
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