Thursday, June 12, 2008

More pictures of Sarah

So we have been a little busy so we have not posted too many pictures of our little girl lately. So here are some of the long overdue photos of our little sweetie. She is so great, she is starting to do all kinds of fun stuff I have been waiting for. She is smiling, laughing, rolling over, playing, trying to walk, all kinds of fun stuff. Being a parent is awesome!!

These are two of my all time favorite pictures of Sarah, she will usually not smile at me when I have the camera, but this day she did. What a cutie!

Then mom decided to give her a little kiss . . . you can see how she felt about this. . . Katie claims that this is the face of pure contentment . . .

This is Sarah in her awesome pajamas, I love the little feet on the bottom, she didn't like that part quite as much as we did. She loves to rub her feet together ALL the time, and these got in the way a little. But dang she looks cute.

So . . . Sarah has a hard time with enjoying food, we had many failed attempts before this moment (and even more since) and those failed attempts had left us without a clean bib . . . so . . . we just got her ready for her bath for easier clean-up. Pretty smart if you ask me . . . I am thinking about trying it . . . or not. Anyway she still won't take solid foods, we don;t know what got into her this day, (other than the carrots) but man we wish she would eat.

So Sarah likes to squish her head into stuff while she sleeps. most mornings when we get her from her crib she has crept all the way up to the end of the crib and her face is smashed into the bumper, well she did the same on the couch. Just a few minutes after we put her down (don't worry we were watchnig her, we wouldn't let her roll off, I know some of you were worried about that) Anyway, here she is fast asleep... guess we made her sleep in her small basinet too long :)

Here are a couple of pictures of Sarah and Katie braving the cold to come to my graduation. They are awesome, and cute!!! I know it doesn't look too cold, but it was snowing just an hour or so before these were taken!!!

Isn't Sarah thoughtful? And how true that is . . . her Dad is pretty smart :)

Here are a couple of cute photos of Sarah just before things got ugly and the food came out. We love our kid!!!!!


L said...

She is sooo cute! What a sweet little girl! Give her a big kiss from her Auntie Laura! We miss you guys!!!

Lindzie said...

awe cute little sarah! love the house too!

Melissa said...

Sarah is such a little sweetheart! How can you get anything done! I would just sit and watch her all day... and all night... and in between... Congrats on the graduation Tyler (and Katie...:) ) and yes... you do have the cutest nieces and nephews ever!

We are... said...

Wow! Cute pictures and cute house! That must be so exciting! Sarah is getting so grown up!

Shelise said...

Very cute. I hadnt seen pictures since she was first born.

Taralee said...

Hey Katie, it's Tara (Shelises sister). After talking to you at the church I got to thinking you probably have a blog too since you check Shelises. So I had to see :) Blogs are great, I love seeing what's up! I'm so excited to have you guys in our ward. Thanks for letting me check your cute family out :) If you want to view mine you're more than welcome. I guess that's only fair if I get to see yours haha!! My email is if you decide you wanna be nosey like me :)